Thursday, June 26, 2014


    Hey everybody it's me Copper! I have had the best morning ever!

7:00 a.m. Wake up, and start stretching for zumba class

7:02 a.m. stop stretching... I think I pulled a hamstring :0

7:30 a.m. tearing the house apart looking for the cold bag of broccoli in the freezer to ease my acin' hamstrings.

8:30 a.m. hamstrings feeling better, thanks to the bacon wrapped ibuprofen:) bacon will always make you feel better

9:00 a.m. Trying to decide what to wear to zumba, the neon green jumpsuit or the purple STRETCHYYY pants with orange tank top.. to bad it has mustard stains I really like that shirt.

9:30 a.m. My arced nemesis the bald cat knocking at my door saying I missed zumba, and me just realizing that waking up at 7 was just a dream and my acin' hamstrings where because of that cheap mattress, that I found on the side of the rode, when my GPS decided to take me threw the ghetto part of Durham.

10:00 a.m. decided to eat a nutritious breakfast of leftover Chinese take out (mmm my favorite) and a little bit of  moo shoo!

10:30 a.m. NEVER get moo shoo at a place called Howard's Chinese and Greek Food Palace. Uggg my moo shoo is not loving me back!

11:00 a.m. Howard's Chinese and Greek Food Palace has FINALLY left me!

11:45 a.m. lather my self in sun tan oil and lay on the my neighbor's roof ( they always get the best sun rays)

12:00 p.m. Fell asleep on the neighbor's roof and I am burnt to a crisp! My skin crunches every time I walk... But I'm not gonna let that get me down I'm gonna get a hot dog then take a nice HOT shower to ease my sun burn

12:30 p.m. I think I just passed out in the shower NEVER EVER have a hot shower when you are fried like a won ton.

Well, maybe I didn't have the BEST morning ever, but it was still great! I didn't have to do zumba, every time I go for some reason they always have the paramedics there, huu I guess I'll never know why they're there and why every time I go I get very light headed and don't remember a thing?!? Oh well I guess I'll see y'all next week!