Friday, December 13, 2013

Copper's Guide To Getting The Perfect Christmas Gift

Hey everybody, Copper here. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, my blog has been having some problems, I can post things, but I can't turn my blog background from fall to winter, so I guess we're dreaming of a fall Christmas! In the mean time Christmas is comin' and it's comin' quick!! And if you haven't gotten all of your Christmas gifts yet, ya better get crackn'! So with all of the stress and weight gain that comes this time of year I thought I should help, by making a guide to help you find the PERFECT Christmas gift!!!

 #1: Make a list of the people you need to buy presents for, (I know if you are a dog this will be more difficult for you since you don't have thumbs, but you can do it!)

#2: Try to get things that are cool, you know, flashy, or it can fly, explode, or make a cool noise, or anything fun like that.

#3: Since everything is so expensive try to get what I call sweet, but cheap In other words, don't waste your money on a little kid that is going to loose interest after 5 seconds, or on an older person that might not remember what you got him or her. Just try to find something nice, but at a good price.

#4: And this is the best tip of all... GIFT CARD, when you care enough to give the least, it pays off. Gift cards give however the power to buy what ever they want... well, whatever price range you give them!:)

#5: Always leave the gift's receipt with the present, so that picky Uncle can return his gift!:)

Well, that's my guide to getting the perfect Christmas gift, and since I'm such an expert on buying presents if you follow my guide to a T you'll be almost as good at buying gifts as me!: ) Hope to you see you all next week, and hopefully my blog's problems will be over!